Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The aftermath of camp

Look at all our tired children!

We had a fantastic time at camp and I am so proud of all of those who came with us. There were lots of new challenges and every single person did the best they could at overcoming their own challenges and fears. Thank you to you all - you made my first camp at Beachlands School wonderful and memorable.

We will post more about camp later this week - keep an eye out for that!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Home learning Week 2 and Camp presentation

Below is the link to take you to our padlet wall where you can comment on the home learning task about our blog.


The link to the camp presentation shown on Monday evening is below.


What do we love about being in Room 20?

On Wednesday afternoon, I wrote the following statement on the whiteboard:
I LOVE being in our classroom when...
I invited everyone in Room 20 to finish this statement, telling us when they enjoy being in class. This is what we added...

I am looking forward to doing this again at the end of the term to compare our answers!

Miss Butler

Monday, 3 February 2014

What stuck with you today?

What a busy and exciting first day we have had! It was great meeting you all and watching you get to know your new classmates.
I hope you have been able to think more about what you enjoyed and found difficult about today. I am glad to see most of you enjoyed the power writing! We will be continuing this throughout the term so start thinking of some words you might like to suggest.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Welcome to our first term of 2014!!

Hello to my new Room Twenty learners!
I have had a busy but wonderful holiday - I hope you have had the same and I am excited to hear about your holiday highlights.
After being back at school for a week with only the teachers around, I am excited to see all of your smiling faces! I cannot wait to start our learning journey for 2014. We will enjoy getting to know each other over the next couple of weeks, as well as learning about our classroom and the ways we will be working together.
Our camp is on Thursday and Friday of Week 3 - we will be challenging ourselves and exploring the outdoors at Sonshine Ranch.
I am looking forward to keeping everyone up to date on our learning with this blog - it will be fun working together to share what we have been doing in Room 20.
See you all on Monday!

Click the link below if you would like to see a bit about my holidays!