Sunday, 1 May 2016

Term 1, 2016

We had such a great start to the year! Below are just some of the highlights we enjoyed.

Marshmallow Challenge
At the beginning of the term we were challenged in teams to make a spaghetti tower that would hold the weight of a marshmallow. It turns out to be harder than it sounds! The 14ers all worked well in teams and problem solved together. The tallest tower went to Anouk, Hayley L and Charlie.

Swimming Sports
We had a blast on the Rimu Swimming Sports day. Everyone gave their best effort in all their races and cheered on from the sideline.

Sonshine Ranch
We were a great team at Sonshine Ranch. Many of us faced challenges on this day, whether it was riding a horse, braving the flying fox or conquering the climbing wall and tunnels. It was great to see the FERN attitude coming from our 14ers as we supported each other to overcome these challenges. Thank you to all the amazing parent support we had that day - it would not have been possible without you!


  1. hey its Lilly.Morton
    like the blog
    see you soon

  2. My favorite part of term 1 was going to Sunshine Ranch because i really enjoyed doing horse ridding and the flying fox.

  3. Hi 14ers! Please comment telling me your favourite part of Term 1.

  4. my favorite part of it was sunshine ranch i mostly like the horses i wasn't scared because i have rid a horse before and loved everything else we did thank you for taking me i had so much fun!!!

  5. MY FAVOURITE PART OF TODAY WAS spelling because we got to do the word practice and the other thing

  6. My favorite part of term one was going to sunshine Ranch because it was fun and u got to do fun things like the flying fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I really enjoyed Sonshine Ranch! My favourite part was the Climbing Wall because i managed to get to the top of allthe walls, which i have never been able to do before
